Paint Valley Schools Goes To COVID Red Level Plan

Paint Valley Local Schools has 10 staff members and 55 students currently in a 14-day quarantine due to contact tracing by the Ross County Health District. This means the health district traced back that these individuals had been exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID-19.

After consultation with the Ross County Health District in order to mitigate the large number of individuals in quarantine, the school decided to implement the COVID-19 Status Level Red of their 2020-2021 School Plan.

Beginning Monday, October 12, 2020 Paint Valley will go to a 50%-50% Educational Plan to help achieve even more social distancing in the classrooms and on buses. The thinking is that more they can social distance, the less students will become part of a quarantine if needed. What this means is that grades Kindergarten (KG) through Twelve (12) will attend 50% in person and 50% remote learning.

The following is the breakdown of the plan:

Group A Last Name A – K Attends in person Monday and Tuesday. Remote learning Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

Group B Last Name L – Z Attends in person Thursday and Friday. Remote learning Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Students who live in the same household, but have different last names, will attend the same days. The days of attendance will be based on the oldest sibling’s last name. If you have questions, please call the building secretary.

Preschool students will attend in person on their regular four day week schedule (M/T/TH/F), as their numbers are lower and can social distance in the classroom more effectively. This plan will only mitigate large quarantines, not eliminate the need for quarantines. It will lessen the number of students that could potentially be affected by quarantine.

The total recorded number of COVID-19 cases recorded in Ross County since the start of the pandemic crossed the one thousand mark on Tuesday. The Ross County Health District reported a total of 1,001 total cases on Tuesday. Thirty Ross County residents have lost their lives in connection with the virus. Ross County remains at a Level 2, Orange status, on the state's COVID alert map.

The state of Ohio is updating its travel advisory list of places with a COVID-19 positivity rate of 15-percent or higher. The new list was issued yesterday with seven states where travelers are advised to self-quarantine for 14-days at home or in a hotel after visiting. The advisory is for both business and leisure travel and should be heeded by Ohioans and out-of-state visitors. Missouri and Mississippi were removed from the list, which now applies to those coming from or heading to South Dakota, Idaho, Wisconsin, Iowa, Wyoming, Montana, and Kansas.

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