Circleville Council Continues to Deal with Quorum Issues

Since Circleville Council is missing two members, Barry Keller was granted his request to have a special council session next Tuesday. 

He sad the Democratic Central Committee is interviewing candidates to fill the vacancies left by the death of Tammy Bowers and relocation of Monica Justinger. 

In the meantime, council will convene in special session in one week to move legislation along that they couldn't pass before third reading.  That session on the 25th will also allow Tim Colburn, CEO of the public/private Berger Health System, to give a general update to council. 


President of the Downtown Business Association, Sue Lumley, gave council a quarterly update.  She described the first event of season, which is also the first of its kind in Circleville: a motorcycle show May 13th. 

Lumley said they were also working on a "skateboarding day" for June 21, and "Founder's Day" in September.  You can learn more on the DBA website and Facebook page


Businesswoman Dorothy Cooper spoke on behalf of a group defending the Mill Street Gym, the part of old Everts school the city still owns. 

Cooper says one of the members had written a 72-page proposal a year and a half  ago, but it has not been shared - and some in the city think the building is reaching the point of no return, and may need to be demolished. 

The group of Circleville women call themselves "Wednesday's Girls"...though they now meet on Fridays. 

Kevin Coleman regularly reports on Chillicothe & Circleville councils and local culture

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