Ross Park District Seeks Levy This Fall

The Ross County Park District will be coming to voters this fall, seeking a small property tax levy to help them raise $600,000 per year, for much needed equipment, maintenance and programming.

Joe Letsche is the director of Ross County Park District, says some of the need is for equipment and maintenance. The popular bike trail has more than one dozen bridges, that are among the maintenance renovations that are needed.

The Ross County Park District was founded in 1993, but there has been little additional money given to run the district, other than what has come from an already tight Ross County Commissioner's budget. That's why the District is coming to voters this fall for a tax levy.

The levy could generate $600,000 per year and only cost the average home owner just $17 per year.

Listen to the iHeart Media Communique with members of the park district in our podcast link below...

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