Second Virtual Education Sessions on Demolition of the Piketon A-Plant

Demolition of the Gaseous Diffusion Plant near Piketon continues. A second pair of virtual public meetings are being offered next week to learn about air quality monitoring of the work.

The Virtual Education Sessions are Tuesday, November 30th, and Thursday, December 2nd both starting at 6pm.

Two more virtual public meetings are being offered to learn about air quality monitoring of demolition of the Gaseous Diffusion Plant near Piketon

Other viewpoints:

Southern Ohioans for Safe Jobs and Healthy Communities: Cleaning up PORTS. This Facebook group was formed by Southern Ohio community members to inform and organize our area around the safe clean-up of the former Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant (PORTS/Atomic or A-Plant).

PORTS Future Vision Project. Ohio University’s Energy and Environmental priorities include technology commercialization and assisting economic development efforts in the region, and energy and pollution mitigation and related job creation potential and high-quality research coordinated under the state-designated Center for Energy and the Environment. The Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Affairs has 30 years of service to communities in Appalachia Ohio.

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