Charges Filed Against Several in Ross School Threats

Sheriff George Lavender badge sign

The Ross County Sheriff's warning that he would arrest anyone making threats of violence against schools, has become more than a threat on his part. Sheriff George Lavender says they are finding the culprits- and charging them.

The sheriff says in the last couple of months, they have had four incidents reported at Huntington School with three students charged, three incidents at Zane Trace with two students charged, and both Adena and Paint Valley Schools each had two threat incidents- with each school seeing one student charged.

Lavender says this shows that students found to be making threats will NOT get off easy and will be taken off school grounds in a cruiser and if possible, placed in the juvenile detention center. The sheriff added that he has already met with Juvenile Court Judge Jeff Benson on this protocol.

Each of the several charged in the different threats, were students.

To hear Sheriff George Lavender and Chief Deputy T.J. Hollis on this issue and others, go to our podcast link below....

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