PUCO Rejects Proposed Solar Farm in Highland County

On Friday, the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio recommended against American Electric Power's bid to develop a twenty-first century solar farm in Highland County, stating the "supply is sufficient to meet the needs of customers."

In a news release, the Ohio Association of Community Action Agencies (OACAA) reported they rejected that reasoning, and stand in favor of the positive impacts the project would bring to the state.


The association said the project is about more than producing "sufficient" energy production; it is about being prepared for the future and enhancing economic growth within the state.  

They said the project would not only bring renewable energy at the cost of pennies a month, but it also adds 150 permanent and good-paying jobs in Highland County.

The executive director at OACAA, Philip E. Cole, said "The extremely small charge to consumers would be overwhelmingly returned with quality jobs and economic growth," and that they hope the PUCO will reject the recommendation.  

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