Highland, Pike & Ross County Community Health Survey

To gauge the health needs of our region, every three years Adena Health System and other providers of health services conduct a Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) Survey. This year, people currently living in Highland, Pike and Ross Counties are urged to complete the 2019 survey for their respective county. The input provided is intended to help Adena Health System and local agencies identify the most prominent health needs of people living in each of the three counties.


“Adena is committed to being instrumental in creating healthy and thriving communities by working to complete regular collaborative community health needs assessments,“ said Kim Jones, Adena Director of Community Outreach. “The 2019 Community Health Surveys are part of our assessment to determine health priority areas for our region; as well as the primary barriers faced by the communities in achieving good health. Results will be used to update strategic plans for community health, working with community partners in Highland, Pike and Ross Counties; and will serve as a guide for all community health programming.”


The anonymous surveys are easy to complete and focus on the respondent’s perception of the health issues facing their community, as well as their own overall health and conditions. It should take no longer than five minutes to complete. Results will be analyzed later this summer, with a report expected to be complete in the early fall. Once released, the report will explain the survey findings, and ways in which Adena and other local agencies plan to address those community needs.


Each survey is available online through July 5 at www.adena.org/chna.


Paper copies are available at Adena Health System, the Ross County Health District, Hopewell Health Centers and Scioto Paint Valley facilities. A link to the surveys can also be found through many of these partner’s social media platforms.


The Community Health Needs Assessment is conducted by all 501 (c) (3) hospitals every three years, as required by the Affordable Care Act.

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