Hillsboro FFA Receives Grant from South Central Power to Build Food Booth

This school year, the Hillsboro FFA Chapter has been building a new FFA food booth to be utilized at the Highland County Fairgrounds. The new food booth will be used as a fundraiser and a community service project that will enable the FFA to carry out missions throughout the year. The food booth is in operation during the Highland County Fair, and is ran by FFA members throughout that week. The current building that is used by the FFA is in inadequate shape.


The food booth does not only serve as a fundraiser, but also as an outlet for students to gain real world skills such as customer service, how to count back change, and how to work with others in close proximity. FFA members have been the labor for building the food booth this fall. Members have learned and developed carpentry skills through hands on learning.

(L-R Gavin Puckett and Casey Jordan are working together on the roofing for the new food booth)

So far this school year, the FFA Chapter has finished all of the exterior design. The students also finished all of the flooring and walls. The Hillsboro FFA Chapter is working on getting the electric ran through the building, running water, and air conditioning. The last steps will be adding refrigerators, sinks, freezers, counters, shelves, and cabinets. Bryce Parsons said, “Working on the food booth has been a great time. Since I’m a freshman, I’ll get to work in it for my next three years of high school.”


All of this would not be possible for the Hillsboro FFA without the “Operation Round Up” grant that was given to the chapter by South Central Power Company. South Central Power donated the Hillsboro FFA a grant of 10,000 dollars which they used to build a new Food Booth. Members of South Central Power Company allow their electric bills to be rounded up to the nearest dollar each month in support of Operation Round Up. Money donated through the program is used to support schools, civic groups, charitable organizations, food pantries, fire departments, youth activities and more in communities throughout the 24-county service territory. Every year, funds are also set aside for scholarships to help graduating high school seniors better afford the cost of college. More than $500,000 is awarded every year. Through this program, a little change from each member leads to big changes in the lives of men, women and children across our service area.


In addition to the South Central Power Company Grant, the Hillsboro FFA has also received donations and support from the following businesses: Southern Ohio Retrofoam, Higgins Steel Roofing, Bagshaw Enterprises, Herdman Pole Barns, S&S Contractors, Lowe’s Home Improvement, and Peter’s Heating & Cooling. Thanks to the Operation Round-Up Grant, and support of these local businesses, the Hillsboro FFA will be able to utilize the new food booth for many years to come.

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