Blue Lions Join National Guard and Mid-Ohio Foodbank to Distribute Food

The Washington Blue Lions are joining forces once again with the Ohio National Guard and the Mid-Ohio Foodbank for a free family food distribution.

On Tuesday, July 7th, The Washington City Schools will have enough food to feed up to 300 families. Distributions of grocery items will begin at 10:00 a.m. and end at 1:00 p.m. on the Washington High School and Middle School campus.

Patrons are asked to enter the campus at the Willard Street entrance and follow the directions of the soldiers to the appropriate spot in the Washington Middle School parking lot. Those attending must remain in their vehicles at all times. A volunteer will load the groceries into the vehicle's trunk. The District asks that all participants remain out of the main campus lane as the space will be needed for the Big Blue Bus teams to come and go for the summer food service program as they work to feed the kids across the county.

While not required, the group requests all vehicle drivers to wear a mask while interacting with team members to protect the health and safety of the Soldiers and volunteers as they help feed our community.

A link to the facebook event invitation can be found HERE.

For more information, please contact the Mid-Ohio Foodbank at 614-277-3663.

Last month, Blue Lion volunteers worked with members of the 1-134th Field Artillery Regiment and WCH Grace United Methodist Church to feed 272 families of Fayette County.

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