Chillicothe Ross Library Announces Extended Hours, Branch Openings

The Chillicothe and Ross County Public Library has announced expanded hours for the Main Library and the Northside Drive-Through, beginning Monday, August 3rd.

The new hours are as follows:

Monday 9-1

Tuesday 2-6

Wednesday 12-4

Thursday 2-6

Friday 12-4

Saturday 9-1


The library has also announced that four of its county branches, Frankfort, Kingston, Paxton and Richmond Dale, will be open for limited hours.

The county branch hours are as follows:

Monday 1-5

Tuesday 1-5

Wednesday 10-3

Thursday 1-5

Saturday CLOSED


Each location will be limited to five patrons in the building at a time. The libraries will promote social distancing and will sanitize surfaces frequently. The library will monitor the state’s county alert levels and curtail hours and services as necessary to maintain the health and safety of our staff, patrons, and communities.

The school branch locations such as Huntington, Mt. Logan and South Salem will remain closed until each school district announces its fall plans.

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