Adena Health System CEO Talks About How Adena Is Coping With COVID-19

Adena Health System President & CEO, Jeff Graham says Adena Health is doing well, despite the estimated $58 million loss in revenue as a result of the mandated shutdown in the spring.

Graham says all but about 50 of their spring layoffs, needed when the government ordered the halt in elective surgeries and other non-emergency medical procedures, are now back to work.

Graham talked about new partnerships with Fayette Memorial Hospital, Nationwide Children's Hospital and collaborating with other area hospitals in Ohio Region 7, in making sure patients have everything needed in the fight against COVID.

Ross, Fayette and Highland counties are among those seeing their largest surge in COVID-19 confirmed tests. 63 new Ross County COVID-19 cases, aside of the prison population, have been seen between July 29th and August 4th.

More than one dozen patients were admitted to the COVID Unit at Adena Regional Medical Center as of August 6th, according to officials at Adena.

Despite what is seen in social media, Graham says they do not receive any government funding for each patient testing positive for COVID-19.

Adena has available testing for people with COVID-19 symptoms in Ross, Jackson, Highland, Pickaway and Pike locations. Anyone symptomatic should call the COVID Hotline at (740) 542-SAFE (7233), before seeking care.

Our full-length interview with Adena Health System CEO Jeff Graham can be heard on the podcast link found below....

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