U.S. Veterans Affairs Secretary To Appear on iHeart Media Communique

The U.S. Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Robert Wilkie, has joined us for the August 16th iHeart Media Communique.

While the V.A.'s mission is serving veterans, they have been asked to open their medical facilities where the COVID-19 virus has hit parts of the nation extremely hard...

Wilkie added that the virus has claimed many of the older veterans they serve....

Secretary Wilkie says one of the toughest challenges is getting beyond mistakes made in the past decades. He pointed to the veteran patient survey satisfaction of over 91%, but they want that to getting even better....

Secretary Robert Wilkie is on a tour of the nation's V.A. Medical Centers, including a recent stops in Dayton, Columbus and Cleveland.

Deputy Secretary Pamela Powers was at the Chillicothe V.A. a couple of months ago, who we also interviewed.

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