Ross Health Commissioner Urges Taking Steps To Bat Down COVID Spread

Ross County's Health Commissioner says simple steps taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19 can make a big difference in "flattening the curve", much like what was seen late last spring.

Health District Commissioner Garrett Guillozet says we often do not realize just how many people we have contact with each day, where we could be spreading COVID-19. Guillozet believes removing some of our daily contact will go a long way in cutting the increasing spread of the virus.

The health commissioner urges people with more serious symptoms of COVID to contact their physician, even without having already gotten a Coronavaris test.

While COVID testing is more readily available than it was a few months ago, Guillozet says there are still some challenges.

Guillozet says masks, social distance and frequent hand washing is still our best bet in reducing the virus spread until vaccines are ready for the general public.

The Ross health commissioner will be one of our Communique guests this Sunday morning.

Listen to our full-length interview with Garrett Guillozet in our podcast link below...

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