Ohio EPA Meeting Set for Bainbridge Wastewater Treatment Plant Application

A virtual public meeting pertaining to an application for a proposed wastewater treatment plant and sanitary sewer system in the Ross County Village of Bainbridge will take place in mid December.

The virtual meeting will be conducted by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency on Wednesday, December 16th and will begin at 6:00 p.m.

Those who wish to take part in the meeting need to register by visiting the events section on the Ohio EPA website.

EPA officials will provide a short presentation about the application and answer written questions from participants. A public hearing on the application will then take place immediately after.

Those that wish to submit written question or comment for the virtual meeting should do so ahead of time by sending an email to the attention of Division of Surface Water to epa.dswcomments@epa.ohio.gov.

Bainbridge is requesting to build a wastewater treatment plant in the village with a direct discharge to Paint Creek. A new centralized sanitary sewer system would transport sewage flow to the proposed wastewater treatment plant.

If approved, the new discharge from the wastewater treatment plant may result in a change from current water quality conditions of Paint Creek, but cannot violate Ohio’s water quality standards that protect human health and the environment.

The permit would include limits to protect water quality standards.

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