Early Voting Continues for Ohio 15th Congressional District

Because Ohio Congreessman Steve Stivers resigned May 16th to lead the Ohio Chamber of Commerce, we have a special election August 3rd.

Early voting continues this week for the Ohio 15th congressional district special election, with expanded hours through next weekend.

In our broadcast areas, the 11th includes the north part of Ross County, south part of Fayette, and all of Clinton, Pickaway, Vinton, Hocking, and Fairfield counties.

You can find early voting locations and learn more at the Ohio Secretary of State's website VoteOhio.gov.

The Secretary of State says Ohio is a national leader in making it easy and convenient to vote by providing four weeks of early voting, including weekend and evening hours. In fact, Ohio is one of only twenty states that offers Saturday voting and one of only five states that offers Sunday voting.

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