"Hard to Recycle Collection Day" May 18th at OU Chillicothe

Do you have a bunch of stuff in your way? Get rid of it in a week and a half.

On May 18th, Chillicothe is holding an event for "hard to recycle" items such as clothes, mattresses, metal, rechargeable batteries, books, medical supplies, TVs, and more. Stop by and get rid of those complex items while helping the planet!

The "Hard to Recycle Collection Day" is Wednesday, May 18th, at the OU Chillicothe Campus. It's 10am to 2pm in the Upper Parking Lot Across from Shoemaker Hall.

Televisions are $20 per flat screen, $40 per tube screen. Everything else is free to recycle, and all will be recycled locally. No bulk trash, tires, or prescription drugs will be accepted.

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