Ross County Emergency Management Unveils Newly Created Website


The Ross County Emergency Management Agency now has a website.


"It is new to the Ross County Emergency Management world," said Ross County EMA Director Paul Minney. "We've never had a website before, so we're coming into the real century that we're living in right now. And we're really excited that people will be able to come on there and ask questions."


The new website, recently unveiled to the public, includes valuable emergency information.


"Anytime we have severe weather of any kind, we'll have another avenue to be able to put that information out," said Minney. “It also includes general information about Linda [Wood] and I as the Director and Assistant Director. We're just really excited."


Paul says the new site is still a work in progress, but more information, such as a list of local storm shelters and other emergency management related information, will be added hopefully within the next week.


"I don't have all that up and running as of yet, but we are still working on that avenue, however, we can now add information in the event of a storm," said Minney.


The new Ross County Emergency Management website also includes information on the local ham radio operator's group, ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Services), and on the local CERT training (Community Emergency Response Training). It you'd like to check out the new website, simply log on to

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