1 of 16 Bucy said he created this LEGO mosaic from a photo he took in 2004.
2 of 16 Bucy said he uses various methods to create custom LEGO mosaic pictures.
3 of 16 4 of 16 His model of the Pump House has more than 11,000 LEGO parts.
5 of 16 It's not Godzilla, but maybe it's LEGOzilla.
6 of 16 7 of 16 Read Bucy's explanation to understand the "greebling" in this mosaic. "The LEGO show" at the Pump House Center for the Arts. John Bucy created art and models for August 2022.
8 of 16 Read Bucy's explanation to understand the "greebling" in this mosaic. "The LEGO show" at the Pump House Center for the Arts. John Bucy created art and models for August 2022.
9 of 16 Bucy said he uses various methods to create custom LEGO mosaic pictures. He modeled his son and himself here.
10 of 16 11 of 16 12 of 16 Bucy said he uses various methods to create custom LEGO mosaic pictures. He modeled a photo of his his cat.
13 of 16 Bucy's model of the Ross County Courthouse is built of more than 80,000 LEGO parts.
14 of 16 Bucy's model of the Ross County Courthouse is built of more than 80,000 LEGO parts.
15 of 16 Bucy's model of the Ross County Courthouse is built of more than 80,000 LEGO parts.
16 of 16