Chillicothe Mayor Reads to Pioneer Students for DD Awareness Month

Mayor Luke Feeney spent the morning with Pioneer Preschool students at the Mt. Logan Learning Center. As part of Developmental Disabilities (DD) Awareness Month, Mayor Feeney read the book “You Are Enough: A Story About Inclusion” by Margaret O’Hair & Sofia Sanchez. Sofia is a model, actress and author with Down Syndrome.

Chillicothe Mayor Luke Feeney reads to students at the Mt. Logan Learning Center as part of Developmental Disabilities Month.Foto: Lori Graves, Ross County Board of DD

“Each year, we select a book for DD Month that brings awareness to our mission,” said Superintendent of the Pioneer Center, Amy Beeler. “This book was selected not just because it was co-written by a person with a disability but for the incredible message it provides to children about inclusion”.

Foto: Lori Graves, Ross County Board of DD

The Pioneer Center will be donating a copy of the book to every third grade classroom in Ross County. A group of Pioneer Advocates will be reading the books to students at Mt. Logan, Chillicothe Primary and Chillicothe Intermediate later this month.

Foto: Lori Graves, Ross County Board of DD

The Pioneer Center, otherwise known as Ross County Board of DD (RCBDD), exists for the purpose of improving the quality of life for citizens who have a developmental disability. RCBDD is committed to providing quality services that give individuals and their families choices that enhance community participation and achieve a life of increasing capabilities.

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